The EFTF Conferences first event in San Francisco. Lots of Lightning Rounds by industry luminaries, and local technologists on the future of technology. Profits from the conference will be donated to a Non-Profit focused using technology to help humanity through the use of new and emerging technology. This conference is about the future of technology, networking and how we can help each other with a holistic approach. Come join the conversation and the futurist trends and technology. There will be an after party but the location is still TBD (tickets for the party are separate then general admission).
9AM – Networking
10AM – Opening Remarks
10:15AM – Keynote – Showcase Speaker (Alexander Rose, )
10:45AM – Noon – Lighting rounds
Noon – 1:30PM Networking/Demos (HoloLens Demo, Emerging Personal Technology Bar, table demos, )
12:30 – (During Lunch) Artificial General Intelligence Inc Press Conference
1:00PM – (During Lunch) TNC Press Conference
1:30PM – Afternoon Showcase Speaker – Dr. Natasha VitaMore
1:45PM – 3:00PM Lightning Rounds
3:00PM – 3:45PM – Future Technology and Society and Politics Forum Sponsored by the TNC and H+
4:00PM – 5:00PM – Closing Remarks, Demos, Networking
Lightning Round Presenters:
Newton Lee, Noted Futurist and Author
Ricardo Parker, CEO of Chronos VR
David J Kelley, Principal AGI Inc., TNC Chair, and Microsoft MVP
Zoltan Istvan, Futurist, US Presidential Candidate (Tentitive)
Adair Daniels, Futurist
Mark Waser, AI Researcher, AGI Inc.
Michael Weiner,
Keith Wiley,
We will need a few lighting rounds, if you want to sponsor the conference or setup a demo table please let us know.
get your tickets here (or click the tickets link above) :
* hero image from